Hello, my name is
Zida Li

I am a self taught Android developer with 2 years of experience. I am confident in developing app using modern architecture (MVVM or MVI) and libraries from Android Jetpack

Refer to my skills listed below. The list will grow as I am proactively learning skills as I continue to develop more apps.


  • Kotlin
  • Room
  • Coroutine Flow
  • Navigation
  • Hilt
  • Data Binding
  • View Pager 2
  • Drawer Layout
  • ConstraintLayout
  • RecyclerView
  • Glide
  • Retrofit 2
  • Firebase
  • GitHub

My Apps

Gift Pad

An app that allows users to organize gift ideas for contacts, and to set reminders for contact events. Uses firebase authentication and database for multi-device support.

View on GitHub

View on Google Play

Recipe Finder

An app that uses the Edamam Recipe API to allow the user to search for recipes, save them to favorites, and add their ingredients to a shopping list.

View on GitHub

Let's Connect

You can learn more about me or contact me with the links below.

LinkedIn - GitHub